It all started in Fort Collins, CO with a seven dollar dog, an adorable terrier mix that I named Gypsy. A friend of mine gave me a recipe for dog treats and Gypsy loved them.
Every dog I gave them to thought they were delicious, who wouldn’t they were laden with unhealthy oils, bacon fat and cheese. The unhealthy ingredients were all replaced with better choices. Organic free-range chicken stock and buffalo liver stock took the place of the bacon grease and cheeses. The stocks replaced the empty fat calories with delicious taste and nutrients. Stone ground flours replaced the refined flours. Soon everything on the list was replaced with organic, locally sourced ingredients.
I have had several tasters over the years including two lab mixes, Tango and Buddy. I have to say I am not sure they had the most discriminating palates but they did enjoy my treats. A special mention has to go out to Buddy who helped my company take the step from my small in-home bakery.
Buddy had an embezzlement problem. It’s not his fault really, he was part labrador retriever and highly food motivated. He also had a humorous side and enjoyed stealing items and taunting me with them. Buddy figured out quickly that when I turned to answer the phone he could have a couple of pounds of biscuit dough off the counter and outside in record time. So Thank You Buddy, my embezzling friend, for helping me take the leap!
Bones Du Jour Staff
Sue – Owner, Chef and Biscuitologist
I have spent most of my life caring for and feeding animals. It started with my pets when I was growing up but I have also taken care of dairy calves, a bat, baby squirrels and racoons, birds, reptiles and several other creatures.
I like spending time with my pets, reading, nature, long walks, the mountains, traveling, good friends, good food, and good wine.
Liz – Sales and Promotions
Liz works part time for Bones Du Jour selling treats at the local farmers’ markets, in-store demonstrations, helping with our annual Poop De Doo (dog park and natural area clean-up) and steps in whenever I need a hand. She also works at the Baseball Club and has her own dog sitting/walking business. Liz loves dogs and will do pretty much anything for them.
Liz likes spending time with her family, reading, dogs, gingerbread men, sports, gardening, bird watching and decking out her house for the current holiday.
Buster – Assistant Chef
Buster is part of the Supported Employment Services program at Foothills Gateway. He helps put treats on trays, cleans, packages and anything else that I might need help with.
If you have picked up treats at a Whole Foods store promotion or received them as part of a business promotion, Buster more than likely helped to put the bags together. Buster likes motorcycles, dragsters (anything with loud engines), horseback riding, haunted houses and The Wizard of Oz.
Joey – CEO (Canine Executive Officer), OTT (Official Taste Tester) and Director of Quality Control (DQC).
Joey likes long walks, dog treats, playing with purple hippo and ape man toys, eviscerating stuffed dog toys, taking a dip in a lake or stream and napping in the sunshine. His favorite flavors (in any order) are reindeer poop, pumpkin ginger and buffalo liver.