At the Bones Du Jour bakery, we bake gourmet dog treats in small batches from hand selected ingredients. Each biscuit is hand cut and baked to order creating a unique texture and shape. Our treats our so fresh we proudly stamp each package with a ‘baked on date’. Freshly baked, local ingredients create a more nutrient dense dog treat and your dog will absolutely love the flavor. Bones Du Jour treats are so good; you’ll wish you were a dog!
I have been baking treats for my own dogs for a very long time. I have had several taste testers over the years that I have loved dearly. A special mention goes out to Buddy whose biscuit embezzling problem encouraged me to move my baking operations to a larger kitchen. Since there were no support groups for dogs to deal with this problem and Buddy was clearly proud of his errant behavior with no intention of seeking help, moving the bakery seemed like the best option.
We use the highest quality human-grade ingredients we can find, most of which are organic and many are purchased directly from local farmers and ranchers who are committed to sustainable agriculture. Our bakery information includes use of whole wheat flour that is stone ground for maximum flavor and nutrition. All of our meat and egg products are sourced from free-range organically fed animals that are free of hormones and antibiotics. No salt, sweeteners (sugar, honey, molasses, agave or any other form of sweetener), preservatives, trans fats or oils are added to our treats.
We offer grain-free alternatives for our sensitive friends that are made without wheat, corn, soy or dairy. Bare Bones are made with minimal ingredients and are available in buffalo liver or peanut butter flavor. For more bakery information on Bones Du Jour please stop by during our baking hours and see us in action!
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